This statement really made me think. You can't go at life alone. You can't live and go about this earth by your self. It's impossible. The world is to curl and unpredictable to be wandering around with noone to turn to, noone to seek help from, noone to talk to when life gets to complicated and your overwhelmed with all the questions in the world, with absolutly no answers.
(now don't get me wrong, people say all you need is god, but seriousely, until you get to that place in life where you really believe that you strong enough on your own, and well good really need human support)
By human support I mean, someone to help you stand, to hold you up, to keep you stable, someone to lean on when you feel as if you may fall. As christians, it's really helpful to have a group of people who support you, people who agree with your lifestyle and decisions. Especaily when your jus starting off, its not an easy thing to do, even with the strength of a group, so to try it by yourself, well you may be in for a surprize.
At the start of the song
This is so true, It's because these christians try to do it by themselves. When there home alone, they have no problem reading the bible,praying etc.. but as soon as they walk out of their house into the real world, where things aren't always rainbows and butterflies. And people have different opinions, beliefs, actions, thoughts. People will put you down, hate you, mock you, decieve you..all because your the slightest bit different from them, or they plain out just don't like you. They find it alot harder to resist temptation, to stray away from the crowd. You need to make sure you surround yourselves with positive atmosphere for positive attitudes.
I sapose this doesn't go for just christians, it goes for anyone really. With what ever you want to do/be. Surround yourself with the most of this you possibly can. It the best way to suceed in what you strive for. The more familiar you are with it, the easier it will be to obtain your disires in life i guess.
Sometimes we have to adjust to life, it doesn't always adjust to us.
anyways, im all out of thoughts on the subject at the moment, It's amazing how I can hear one statement, and right about it for an hour, and not even have a title until the end. Love it! Anyways Ladies & Gents, watch your selves, don't get caught up in the rush, take some time and breathe, it's a crule world out there.
(ps. I apologize for the spelling errors..I had a bad english teacher last year!)
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