Saturday, September 23, 2006

Girls Night

So, friday night Hannah, Kelsey,Alex and myself declared a girlf night, because we hadn't all hung out together since camp. Which was over a month ago. We all went to Kelseys house. We made sugar cookies , which was a hilariously good time, and lead to one of hannah and kelseys little fights lol. Because hannah was telling kelsey she didnt know how to make cookies and was doing it wrong, ha so kelsey freaked out n told her to see if she could do any better. There quite amusing actuly if you've never witnessed one before, they'v been going on since grade 8 lol. Anyways, so after we made the cookies, we put them in the over to bake, and we watched the movie "Phat Girls". Oh wow, hilariousely good movie. I enjoyed it. It sounds like it would be bad, but It was actuly pretty good. We also had some girl talk and caught up in everyones lives, although we aren't all that exciting lol. We discused how many girls our age these days are/thought or have already been pregnant. It's a shame really, people should be more careful or not so stupid. Im not judging any of them, it's just surprizing because, when your in middle school, you see it on the movies and stuff, but when you actuly get to high school, you never would imagine your friend or classmate with or about to have a baby. Anywho enough on that subject!

So the night was really fun, and it was good to catch up! Love you girls!


Anonymous said...

good time..great people and cookies..good thing i allowed han to take over eh?..shes a good cook..i'll give her that haha..anyways good girls night,glad we finnally made time for eachother.haha yeah so anyways thats all i have to say

Anonymous said...

hilarious night. loved the movie and it was a good time to catch up since the four of us haven't hung out alone is a long time! + cookies = gootimes. love you!