Saturday, September 16, 2006

Marie helene's

Hey people. Kay so, today was pretty layed back, I just chilldd home n caught up on some homework. Kinda nice to relax, and I had a huge headache so ya know. Anywho , to the point of this blog.

So night I went to Marie-Helene's house at like 5. I was the first one to arrive so it was just me and Marie-Helene for like a half hour so we just sat around n looked at wedding pictures. There wasn't really much conversation. Anywho, so then at like 5:30ish Karen shows up. And we get the party started lol. Well the conversation anyways. Then at like 7ish Meredith, Mallory, Rachel and Liz showed up. So we all ate some food n talked which was a goodtime. Then we played some Jungle Speed game which was quite the expereince lol. After that, MH broke out the guitar and started singing. Everyone just sat n listened, noone really spoke at all while this was going on. I thought it was kinda relaxing and cool. Anyways, so when that was finsihed. We all just got into discusion about life, and life after camp, and god n such. And everyone was speaking and such and shareing about there life and everything. But iunno, I guess I just, well I never said anything really like the whole time. About me anyways. It's cool to hear everyone else's stories n such though. Iunno it was kinda akward though because like, im not use to haveing a group of people just focus their Saterday night talking about religion and everything. And im also not use to people talking about their lives, like the bad & the good. Including myself. I don't really like talking about my life to much. The only place I feel comfortable talking about my life is on a computer. I don't like to be able to make contact with someone when talking about things going on with me. I don't know why. I guess I just don't like the fact that I don't want to see a reaction from the person listening.

Iunno, I enjoyed being there and listening. I guess it's like, a chance to hear that im not the only one who screws up in life, and who makes mistakes, and that theirs other people who have been in a bad situation, but who have brought themselves to a better one. Also knowing theirs people who will admit they'v screwed up and have done wrong things but have realized it and have made better choices since then. Iunno im just not use to this whole scene. So I need some time to adjust to the situation I sapose.

Anyways, so Karen said somethign tonight that I thougth was really cool. She was explainning faith as if you were drowning in an ocean of sin, and this hellicopter was above you, letting down a roped with a life saver at the end of it. She said that, God is the hellicopter, and jesus is the life saver. God is throwing you his son Jesus to help you, but it's your choice wether to reach out and grab it or not. I thought it was really cool, because I think it is so true. Like theres always someone throwing you a life saver, but we don't always choose to grab on to it. Sometimes we wish that it was just a little bit closer, so we wouldn't have to reach out so far to grab hold of it. We want things to just be handed to us, to take the easy way out. But my friends, it is not that easy. You do have to make SOME effort to be saved.



Karen said...

i like that SOME effort to be saved. Jesus gave his life for us suffered like we cant even understand. we can at least put SOME effort in. nice Al! im praying for you!

alyson.lw said...

haha yes i no that was great eh. Well jeeze people just think they can sit around n have everything handed to them! Jeeze the man died for us u think that would be enough eh? lol

Micah and Katie said...

Hey Ally,

I am so glad to see and hear that you are hanging out with these gals. I pray that God continues to work in your heart and bring you closer to Him