Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Army Reserves

So, the reserves... sounds kinda scary but cool at the same time. Pretty sure you get paid to do it, and you only have to go like 2wice a week for 3 hours each time. So anyways, I was walking by this like station at school that was all set-up about the reserves, with pictures and stuff. It seemed pretty interesting lol. I think me Whelton and Burnham are signing up! I don't think id ever do it for like more then a year, if even that because i'd be to scared to go to war or anything close to it lol.. My mother just told me not to, but oh well lol im doing it anyways.

**updated on the 20th**

Okay, so me n melissa x's 2 decided not to join.lol We found out more information and were not ready to devote our lives to dreading haveing to go to war in afganastan. Oh well, it was a cool thing while it lasted (for a day lol) But anyways who is willing to devote there life to that, it sounds like a cool idea so you deffinitly should do it! haha kbye


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