Sunday, September 24, 2006


Oh wow, tonight was the first running i'v done since I got a concussion. Basketball for an hour and a half. Let me tell you, if you have a concussion it is so not a good idea to go running. My head hurts so much rate now I feel like im ethier going to like faint, or need a hospital. I don't know if im gonna be able to try out this year, I go to a doctor Thursday but It doesn't look good. Which sucks because I love basketball it's like my life. Like rugby ruined my life pretty much lol, its a fun sport but jeeze it's hurtin. Anyways, hopefuly I can sleep tonight, because judgein from past experiences with this, I probly wont be able to. And my mother's off tomaro so I can't stay home, which sucks. Oh well, anyways, that conludes my writing on today. Time to commence another long/bouring/painfull week of school. Woot!


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