Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Night

Why hello there.
First off, school today was pretty normal. Bouring as usual.We had a hurtin assembly though, so that kinda sucked. And I had huge head aches all day, once again no surprize. Jayys. Anywho..

So, Ditched yet again my third dance in a row? Yup! I do believe so! Anywho, So Katie Pierce came to my house after school and we got ready for the night. I went to the SJHS football game(even tho I don't go to that school) but it was something to do. It wasn't to fun at first, but when it started getting dark it got pretty fun. I seen alot of my old friends so that was awesome! So yeah, I enjoyed my night. Probly better then a heaty dance with a killer headache which woul d of just sucked anyways. Well heres some pictures from the night so enjoy!

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