Friday, September 01, 2006

My night

Well, tonight was the most fun iv had ina long time really. After being pissed off at the world for no aparent reason, Karen called me. I was sapose to go to dinner with her n some ppl fer Katie Dunns bday , and I was all for it until this random feeling came over me n I just got really stressed out. So i decided not to go, but then she called n after not takein not for an answer, lol her n meredith came n picked me up n brought me to JJ's. I must say im glad they did caz I was feeling kinda ina low place and that certainly got me out of it. It was really fun and im glad I went. It was cool because Iv never really hung out with the ppl there before, there all pretty strong christians too so that was nice. Anyways, so after that we all said our goodbyes to Katie Dunn and Meredith, Mallory, Rachel, Andrew & I went to Island view for a lil swinging time lol. We had some good chats too so that was fun. Anyways, after the excitement of the play ground had started to die down, we then headed out to Rothsay to Andrew finny's house. We met his mom n his cute dog lol then went to the church to chill. We played b-ball and drums/organ. lol It was pretty interesting. I must just add that, the funniest thing happened, we pulled in to get some gas, and all we here is Rachel yell, CURBE!!!!!!!! lol Yes Mere almost hit a huge curbe, good times. (one of those things where you just HAD to be there)
Anyways, so I ended up haveing a really good night, with some pretty awesome people & i'd just like to thank god for answering my prayers.
-Alyson //†//


Karen said...

it was a fricking good time! and you guys sound like you had a sweet time afterwards! you can bet that there will be more times like that:)

Marie-Hélène said...

Sounds like fun! I would have been there too if it weren't for a camping trip with my family. We'll have to have ourselves some girls nights, eh?