Saturday, September 30, 2006

Saterday Baby.

This morning I headed up to fredericton with the parents. First we went scouting for house's and lots in the area. Then we hit up the mall. I bought 3 pairs of pants, which it's about time because I was in desperate need of some new jeans. When we were on our way out, I ran into Karen and Katie Dunn just enterting the mall. So I hung out with them for a while and let my parents continue house hunting lol. It was fun to hang out with them, there a good time. After that I went out to eat fer supper then headed back to Saint John.

As I got home I noticed Andrew was out infront of his dads house, so I went to talk to him for a bit. I haven't seen him in atleast a year! If not more. It was good to finaly see him concidering I use to be inlove and we were bff lol. Hes a hottie ha.

Anywho, after I chated it up for him I went to Alex Hayes's. It was like, Alex Kelsey Hannah Teressa and Myself. We watched jackass 1, which was pretty funnie but stupid lol. Then we headed out into the night to cause some trouble like always lol. It started off with Alex and Kelseys doing spread eagles driving into the bushes lol ..then they chased some girls down the street wearing masks. Then they went into Jim Bob's wearing the masks and did party boy to Teressa while the chinese owners were like, what the fuck? ha. Then, Teressa scaled the side of a 3 story haunted house lol. Then, the best part, Hannah rearranged a hotel sign and made it say "Bring Shit" then the guy came out yelling and called the cops who we managed to stay clear of. Then we stole chairs from peoples yard and put them in other peoples yard (just for laughs, not real intentions). Then I believe Kelsey lost fer virginity to a fire hydren lol haha. Oh it was such a fun night lol. Everything was so stupid but it was so funny I loved my life lol. Trouble is so much, I get amused by it so much. And cops just make everything worth that much more doing! I love it! The best part was we have this ALL of video,which I placed 2 below this post so enjoy lol.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Living for him.

Death is just a scary thing. Like, I dunno if you're not sapose to be scared of it or not. But im terrified. I'd like to say im not, and that I believe im going straight to heaven and to meet jesus. But that would be a lie. Like, does dieing hurt? Do you know your dead right away, or is it just like, as if you were sleeping, without the dreaming and the assurence your going to wake up in a couple hours. I don't know, It's like.. I believe in God and I try my best to live my life for jesus, but somedays I doubt myself if im even doing a good enough job to even be concidered into heaven. Like seriously, what does a good christian have to do to get into heaven? Some people say, just be a "good person" in general. Others say give up everything you own. Some say, read the bible, and live your life for him the best you can. (Hopefuly it's the last one or im shit out of luck!). Because, I don't think I could give up everything I owned. And I don't believe you only have to be a "good person" in general and not even believe in god to get into heaven.

Everyday I wake up in the morning, and I try my very best from that minute on to live my life to the best I can. I think way more then I ever did, and I choose my actions and words very carefuly. When I feel a negative thought comeing on I get rid of it before I can even process the whole thing. Which is good, because I don't get pissed off as much anymore.

Anyways, what do you guys think about death and heaven? Im so confused right now. Like sometimes I even doubt im actuly a christian. Like, I think im one of those people who, say their christian, and even act like it, read the bible everynight; talk to people about jesus; go to youth group n such; don't drink or anything; believe in jesus and fuly trust in him; pray everynight... but somehow, im not really a true christian. Like does that even make sence? Can you be and do all of those things and not be a christian? I really hope I am, like I want to be, I try my best to be, I believe I am, (most of the time) except when I get these thoughts in my head, which I also believe is the devil putting these negativities in my mind to make me second guess my love for god. Which is aful and I wish it wouldn't happen to me. Next time this happens I think im just going to put it right out of my head before I start to think about it. But if anyone has any input to this I would really love to hear it, so post a comment if you wish.


Run For The Cure.

Pink Everywhere! Today was Run For The Cure day at Saint Malachy's -aka Pink Day!-. For those of you who don't know what Run For the Cure is, it's a run for breast cancer. You raise a bunch of money to help support it. Now, this is a HUGE thing at Saint Macs. Everyone takes it very seriously and it's like one of the biggest outcomes in participating in a certain "themed" day. Personaly I just think it's an excuse for boys to dress up in pink women clothing and not get made fun of lol.

This year we have the biggest Run for the Cure team yet! Theres like 145 er something people in it! So thats awesome. I myself am sorrie to say are not on it, nor have I ever been. I always say im gonna and I get the forms, and I want to, but I really hate going door-to-door raising money. And I never have the time, which is a lame excuse but it's all I got lol. Anyway, our school raised $9810.39!! that is almost 10 thousand dollars toward finding a cure for this awful disease.

Anyways, so this mourning at about 11:45-12:40ish the STM gym was a sea of pink! There were over a thousand people, we had guest speakers who were survivors of breast cancer and it was really nice to show our support to all those people. Saint Mac's has excellent spirit and they really do make a difference in socity. Anyways, it was an awesome day!

Off topic from RFTC but besides that my day was alright I guess. I was rate sick though. I finaly TOTALY understand that Chemistry ordeal with configuarting Elements er what ever it was. Chem was so fun today. Mr.Shep is awesome man! Me and Hannah sat on the heater by the window all class, nowhere near our seats, or anyways for that matter , and he just let us stay there. Well actuly he told us to sit down but we didnt, lol and he never said anything after that. So it was all good. I love him though, hes so easy going and noone ever gets introuble and he loves me and Hannah lol. I got my history test back today, which I was not pleased to find out I only got 70% on it. I also had a math quiz, which was easy. I have a huge math test on Monday, but I went after school for math help today (and he actuly showed up), and he went over everything that was gonna be on it with me, and gave me the test from last year, which is the exact same thing just different questions. So I know what to exspect and noone else does:) sucks to be them eh lol. Mr Gormley's a pretty good guy after all, concidering the first day I told him he couldn't teach and I wanted out of his class lol. It's all good now though hes cool. So yup, that was pretty well my school day..not to exciting. I can't believe I went this whole week though, its werid this year caz like, I always want to come home (even if im really sick) but I never do. Last year I would of been home in a heart beat if I didn't feel like being there, let alone if I was actuly sick.

Anywho, im off to Kelseys to watch Tokyo Drift (I love car movies)! , then tomaro im off to Fredericton for the whole day! If you wanna get ahold of me I will have my cell, which will be in my msn name.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

So about this perfect life of mine?.

This morning I finaly went to the doctor again. And she actuly gave me more advice then "take an advil" which 4es don't even put a dent in it. Anyways, so she gave me the name of a nerologist (if i spelt that right). it's a brain doctor anyhow. So hopefuly he can examine my head n figure out whats wrong and gimmie some pills to take my pain away lol.

So yup, today was pretty good. The morning went by fast, probly because I missed first period. But yup, and we had a fire evacuation thing so we got out of school early for lunch. It was an hour and a half, so that was fun. I went to lunch with Whelton. It was fun caz we haven't gotten a chance to hang out ina while. Got in some nice chats and such. Then Kelsey and Hannah joined us for the last half hour. Chemistry class was hilariouse today. I couldn't even believe my life, lol like, we learned something yesterday that was like retarded, "configurations" er something. So knowone understood what in the hell he was talking about. So he went over it again today, and it was so funnie because still knowone understood, but then as he kept explaining peple would get it n start yelling out n stuff lol, you had to be there, seriousely. "I SMELL FART!" lol hannah, Cera's due-rag haha, Mr.Shep: Jon we don't say that in here only I can say shut up!..Jon: Yeah but.. Mr.Shep: SHUT UP!!!!! .. haha oh my, i love that teach hes the best ever. Nothing else really exciting happened except I was sapose to get math help after school for a test tomaro, prit sure I stayed and sat ina class room for a half hour waiting for my math teacher to come help me, yeah and prit sure he didn't show up lol. Then called my house to say how sorrie he was caz he forgot her something. So If I fail demain its so his fault lol. Jeeze the one time I actuly like, stay in school longer then I have to, and the teach bails on me!

So this is kinda off the topic of my day but. I was talking to someone after school , who I just started talking to recently. I knew her but we never really spoke. She thought I hated her because I tended to come off as a bitch in the past years. I was always just pissed off at the world lol. Im not like that anymore at all though, im much happier and love everybody! (except EK, yes Cailin..EK!) Anyways, so we were talking, and she told me how people use to tell her "Alyson Wright has such a perfect life" haha, oh yeah right. The day when my life is perfect, is the day I will stop writing in this blog lol. My life is so far from perfect, I mean, it's not the worst, its a good time, but It certainly isn't perfect by any means. And if anything, back when these people said this it was way worse. Iunno, I just think that like, when people judge people on like, what they "think" they know about someone, they should keep it to themselves. I don't mind that people said that I mean, if u wanna think that its not hurting me any. But you never truely know everything about someone. Even your best friend. You don't know their every last thought, emotion & action. Theres a song I hear all the time, I don't know the name, but it's about people judging people they see, but what they don't know is like, the childrens father just past away and stuff like that. Oh I just figured out the name, Its called "They don't understand" by Sawyer Brown. It's a good song, the lyrics are so true. You shouldn't judge people because you really never know what they are going through. Anyways, thats all I have on that subject I just thought Id mention it.


The Change Inside Of Me♪

Pardon me
If I've been acting strange
I haven't been myself lately
What you see
Is a person rearranged
Someone affected me greatly
And I've got so much to say
Ever since Jesus looked my way

I will never stop believing
That you are the reason for this change
The change inside of me

I'm taking in the view
Of His glory around me
I'm awake
And I have been made new
By the One who has found me

So, I was just searching songs last night, and I came across the song, "The change in me" by Mercy Me. From the second I heared it I knew I would love it. It's awesome. It discribes me perfectly right now. Like, perfect! Especaily the lyrics up there that I picked out of the song. It's my life in about 17 lines of a song lol. So for anywho who's missed out in the past couple months of my life story, there it is!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Youth group n such.

Sitting..stareing out the window into the city of Saint John, as I drive by it all on the way to school. Listening to music, just..thinking. thinking about everything there possibly is to think about.
When you have almost an hour bus ride on the City Transit to school every mourning, you really have time to think about alot of stuff. It's when I do most of my thinking actuly.
Well, today Kelsey was noton the bus, so I had no distractions to my thinking. I must say, after all of this, I really felt, "blah". Like I had no personality, I was so consentrated all mourning on what I had been thinking about on the way to school, that I wasn't paying attention to anything or one around me. It was such a werid day.

So, finaly went back to youth group tonight. It was exactly what I was exspecting, sort of. It was better then the first one I went to, but still not as great as I believe it could be. I just think they should focus less on all the games we play (which may be fun to some people) and focus more on like, well the reason most people are there, god. Anyways, so after the games (which give me worse headaches lol) we talked about some stuff to do with youth group. Like Kid Zone which is an awesome program put on for kids at full gospel assembly 2wice a month, which I plan to help out at. Also things like, mission trip, cafés ( w/e they are lol) and other fun stuff like that. After that we did a devotion on something, to be honest I wasn't listening, I know it was like john 14:15 er something lol I dunno. After that, we went into small groups. Mine was really small lol. It consisted of: Karen, Ellen, Mike, Marie-Helene and myself. But I prefer it that way anyways. That way its not so akward for me, because im still getting use to the whole, focus on your life infront of people you don't really know scene. Anyways, so we baisicly sat in rate the small room, and just prayed outloud and in silent for stuff. They prayd for my head, which was nice because I do believe god answers prayer and maby just my prayers for my head to get better isn't loud enough for him, so perhaps prayer coming from stronger christians will help some. I go to the doctor once again for the hundreth time tomaro morning to see if I can figure out what EXACTLY is wrong with me.

So anyway, that was pretty much youth group tonight. As much as I say I don't wanna go, when its all said and done, im happy I did. It may not be my favorite thing in life, I know it's probly a good place to be. And I have to make sacrefices in life, although I may like to be home sleeping or relaxing, I can give that up one night a week to be surrounded by christians and learn more about god and to help me grow in faith. So it's a good time.

Im excited for tomaro! Whelton asked me to go to lunch with her, and I haven't gotten a chance to have a conversation with her lately for more then 10 seconds so that should be a good time! Except I have a english grammar test tomaro that I will do bad on lol. I got a 82% on a french test today Im pretty pissed about. But I thought I failed it so I guess its better then that. I need to start doing way better in school though and takeing it more seriously. 82's will not due lol. and I get my history test mark back tomaro and im hopein for atleast 85 and up. Anyways, enough about that, I should get going to bed. I just discovered some awesome songs from Mercy Me though! there wicked. One discribes my life perfectly. Which will be in the next post I have. Anyways, im out! night
pray for me that my head gets healed:) plz&thx


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Usual

I was just talking to one of my best guy friends and he read my blog for the first time ever. And he asked me, "so your religious now?" and im like, "yup i am" and he says "so is this perminant, or the USUAL"

It was at that moment when I realized. So many times I have heard people say, "so, is this the usual 2 week phase".."are you gonna be back to normal soon", blah blah same deal. And like, its sad because its in those words I realize how many times I have failed before, for it to become the "usual". Im really trying so hard, like noone even understands. It's not easy but im doing it and its gonna be perminant as long as I can help it.

Anyways, so after this, me and my friend(same guy) got to talking about relationships. (it seems to be the topic of my week honestly lol) We both agreed on how high school relationships aren't really worth it unless you know you can actuly go somewhere, because you just end up getting hurt.

He said that the way he see's things "life is to short so drink, do drugs, and have all the sex you can get". Well, hes right, life sure as hell will be short if you drink, do drugs, and have all the sex you want. You can die faster from all 3 of these things. He said he thinks that sex is just for pleasure now because of how much of a casual thing it's become in socity. He also said he thinks a kiss means more then sex. Somewhere in Genisis it says in there that sex was to combine to peple as one. Who loved eachother when they got married. Now a days sex is so casual that a simple kiss (that you can also give your grandmother) can mean more.

Iunno, my opinion once again. What do you think?


September 26th

I don't really have a life lesson or anything exciting to write about, its really just a little post on my day.

Well, my day today was pretty good actuly. All my classes were a good time. I had another supply for Math, so once again me and Burnham did nothing, we even left and joined a physics class for a bit lol. Lunch was a good time. Cailin and I chatted it up about relationships for a while. I love just talking with friends about stuff. I'v been doing it alot lately. And mostly on relationships, although I have no idea why, because im not currently, nor have been in one for almost 2 years. But it's all good. So yeah, I didn't really have any headaches today which is awesome. Although, my body hurt so much more then yesterday. Every muscel in it felt stiff and hurt so much to move. Like wow, going up and down the stairs at school is hell lol.

Anyways, tonight I went to the saint malachy's baseball game. We didn't really watch all that much of it, we went to Tim Hortons and such to keep warm. It was sooo cold! Jeeze. Anyways, we lost so that sucks, KV wins everything lol. On a good note, the stm jv girls soccer team beat sjhs 1-0 tonight so thats "super" (kelsey).

Monday, September 25, 2006


Okay, so im rate bored at the moment. So im just gonna go on about every and anything to waist some time.

Well, today was horrible lol. Me and Kelsey couldn't even move! We were in SO much pain from last night's basketball practice. I felt as if I got hit by a bus as I rolled (and I mean ROLLED) out of bed this morning. My arms/back/legs/neck/head/ankels, pretty well everything hurts. I could go for a nice ice bath right about now. Anywho, other then that, school was good, the usual. I did nothing at all, learned nothing (except some stuff in history), and worked on my social skills lol.

Oh wow, I just thought I have to say how much I love Melissa Burnham. K we had this supply teacher today fer math, and we were sittin at the back, just blabbin for ever, and the teacher comes up n says, "you haven't even drawn a circle yet? I going to have to seperate you two?" and Burnham, being the person she is, was like "oh no sir thats okay, we wouldnt do the work if we were by ourselves anyways!:)".. oh I get a kick out of that kid. Going up to McDonalds and telling them they forgot to give her fries, when she never even orderd anythign at all, just to get them free, and asking random guys from Mexico for there msn's, like shes really not afraid of anything or one which I find quite amusing.

anywho so different subject. Im going to Fredericton this Saterday which im super(yes kelsey I used the word) pumped about. Just to get out of SJ for a change.

And then in like 3 weeks, im goin back again with Kelsey to visit Martha! Were havin ourselves a girls night! Wow, I love Martha Frank, shes like, my favorite camp person ever! (except krissy, she is also my favorite camp person ever!) And i'v liked alot of people, but she is just like, wow, my life. Best week ever with her as our counciler last year. So it should be a good time to have a sleep over lol.

This is Krissy and myself. She's the nicest person I have ever met in my whole intire life! I hope to visit her soon.

Oh these pictures make me miss camp so much. Such a great place! ♥

k well, im off to get some candy at the moment, lol so I guess im goin to have to add this bourin post here. Peace out Love


Hmm. good stuff.

Today I had a very interesting conversation with one of my friends during class. It was about christianity. I never would of imagined sitting in class spending an hour with this person talking about my faith. Im a typer not a talker. So it was interesting. As I got started and as she asked me more and more questions I became more comfortable talking with her about it. She was a strong christian but has started to fall recently since school. It's mainly the influences people have on her. She was telling me she really wants to come back to god, but she's finding it hard to do because of the atmosphere she gets herself into.

I really think its a shame when the only thing stopping you from being saved is the people you hang out with. You need to have supportive friends, not ones always bringing you down.

Anyways, so I was telling her about my experience and how it took me 2 and a half years to become who I am today. And im not gonna lie, im not half as great as I'd like to be, but im a hundred times better then I ever was, so im getting there. Slowly but surely as some people like to say. I said how I really needed to realize I didn't need a fake happiness, before I realized I needed god. I know that sounds bad, but like, I always believed there was a god (well most of the times, there was a period where I didnt because I didn't understand how my life could be so bad If god really loved me) but I never knew that I needed him, until I knew I didn't need all the false ways of temporary happiness. Trying to stop an addiction (even a small one) & trying to gain christinanity & change your whole life style, all at the same time was just to much for me. I had tried it before, realizeing I needed god, then realizeing I didnt need fake happiness, but it always failed. So this year I decided to approch the situation the opposite way. And guess what! it worked.

During this discussion I told her how I wasn't like, tryin to put her down (or anyone at that matter) when I talk about being a christian. I don't think im better then anyone else because of it. And im not telling you that you have to listen to me and change your life. Im just looking out for my friends. I don't want to see people I care about get hurt. Wether you believe in god or not. Drugs and Alcohol can hurt you. And i'd like to atleast say I tried if the situation ever occured. I wouldn't want to sit around saying, "oh well, I sapose I COULD of tried to help" or "I sapose I could of let them realize it was wrong, or that someone care for there well being". anyways, so she said "I respect what your saying" which was cool, caz it's good to hear I have good enough friends that respect my decisions. Unlike some people out there who aren't as lucky, and have a harder time. So thanks friends!♥I love you all!

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Oh wow, tonight was the first running i'v done since I got a concussion. Basketball for an hour and a half. Let me tell you, if you have a concussion it is so not a good idea to go running. My head hurts so much rate now I feel like im ethier going to like faint, or need a hospital. I don't know if im gonna be able to try out this year, I go to a doctor Thursday but It doesn't look good. Which sucks because I love basketball it's like my life. Like rugby ruined my life pretty much lol, its a fun sport but jeeze it's hurtin. Anyways, hopefuly I can sleep tonight, because judgein from past experiences with this, I probly wont be able to. And my mother's off tomaro so I can't stay home, which sucks. Oh well, anyways, that conludes my writing on today. Time to commence another long/bouring/painfull week of school. Woot!


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Girls Night Part 2

Hello, so... tonight, following last nights Girls Night, was Girls Night part 2, ft: Kelsey and myself. We order pizza and garlic fingers from Greco to start it off. Tonight we had some major girl talk. Like wow, and it all took place in my wonderful kitchen. Which seems to be the place of conversation because when my parents went away in the summer, me and Hannah would sit on my counters and talk about everything for hours at night. Anyways, so we sat there for about 2 hours tonight talking about just about everything. But mostly focused on relationships. It was a really cool discustion though. We were saying how like, dateing isn't really like, something your sapose to do just for the hell of it. The reason for dateing is for marraige. And how people go out with people they barely even know or just met., or people who they know they could never marry. Like, I just think it's stupid because become attached to that person, so much that you even begin to loose your friends. Also like, we talked about how when people date someone who isn't good for them. There a negativity on their life style or emotions. How when one person in the relation ship depends on the other one to keep them standing. Well I have news for you.. If you take to boards and lean them equaly agaisnt eachother, the boards will hold eachother up strong. If you take one board standing up straight, and then take another board n make it lean on the other, both boards will fall. You can't have someone else depending on you to keep them standing. If you both play an equal role then you will stand much stronger. People who look for that person to hold them up, don't always realize, that in the process, they are bringing themselves down too. So choose wisly on the person you are going to date.

Honestly, if you don't see things going anywhere, why waist the time and indure the pain that one of you will have in the end. I dunno, it just seems kinda sketch to me. People make stupid discisions and end up ethier, pregnant, or looseing friends, or alot less then what they could of been, because of one relationship.

Thats just my opinion anyways, im not asking you to agree, this is just MY blog with my thoughts and opinions in it, noone said you had to read em.

Anyways, there this guy I know who is the most amazing person I'v ever met. He's like the most perfect person for me, and it's hard because like, every other guy I know I compaire to him, and so far noone even comes close. Im sure there may be someone out there that could possibly be better then him, but so far I haven't seen it. So who knows, lol I may be single for the rest of my life! It's almost going on 2 years in a couple months. Wow, I love it though, because Im not going to make the same mistakes I see people make everyday. I don't need a boyfriend for security, or just to feel specail and "loved". Good times though I sapose lol.

So after all this intence chatting we watched the movie "Stick It". Yup pretty sure its my second favorite movie ever! It's so good, if you haven't seen it, you deffinitly should! (it's a chick flick though) lol so all you boys out there, beware. It's awesome though, its about gymnastics and its amazing! Step Up still beats it though I believe lol. caz Channing Tatum is damn fine. K well, that really concludes my blog for the night. Im really tired and need some sleep. Night


Girls Night

So, friday night Hannah, Kelsey,Alex and myself declared a girlf night, because we hadn't all hung out together since camp. Which was over a month ago. We all went to Kelseys house. We made sugar cookies , which was a hilariously good time, and lead to one of hannah and kelseys little fights lol. Because hannah was telling kelsey she didnt know how to make cookies and was doing it wrong, ha so kelsey freaked out n told her to see if she could do any better. There quite amusing actuly if you've never witnessed one before, they'v been going on since grade 8 lol. Anyways, so after we made the cookies, we put them in the over to bake, and we watched the movie "Phat Girls". Oh wow, hilariousely good movie. I enjoyed it. It sounds like it would be bad, but It was actuly pretty good. We also had some girl talk and caught up in everyones lives, although we aren't all that exciting lol. We discused how many girls our age these days are/thought or have already been pregnant. It's a shame really, people should be more careful or not so stupid. Im not judging any of them, it's just surprizing because, when your in middle school, you see it on the movies and stuff, but when you actuly get to high school, you never would imagine your friend or classmate with or about to have a baby. Anywho enough on that subject!

So the night was really fun, and it was good to catch up! Love you girls!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sometimes we have to adjust to life, it doesn't always adjust to us

The strength of a group is much stronger, then the strength of one individual.

This statement really made me think. You can't go at life alone. You can't live and go about this earth by your self. It's impossible. The world is to curl and unpredictable to be wandering around with noone to turn to, noone to seek help from, noone to talk to when life gets to complicated and your overwhelmed with all the questions in the world, with absolutly no answers.

(now don't get me wrong, people say all you need is god, but seriousely, until you get to that place in life where you really believe that you strong enough on your own, and well good really need human support)

By human support I mean, someone to help you stand, to hold you up, to keep you stable, someone to lean on when you feel as if you may fall. As christians, it's really helpful to have a group of people who support you, people who agree with your lifestyle and decisions. Especaily when your jus starting off, its not an easy thing to do, even with the strength of a group, so to try it by yourself, well you may be in for a surprize.

At the start of the song it says : "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is christians, who aknolage jesus with their lips, and walk out the door, and deny them with their life style"

This is so true, It's because these christians try to do it by themselves. When there home alone, they have no problem reading the bible,praying etc.. but as soon as they walk out of their house into the real world, where things aren't always rainbows and butterflies. And people have different opinions, beliefs, actions, thoughts. People will put you down, hate you, mock you, decieve you..all because your the slightest bit different from them, or they plain out just don't like you. They find it alot harder to resist temptation, to stray away from the crowd. You need to make sure you surround yourselves with positive atmosphere for positive attitudes.

I sapose this doesn't go for just christians, it goes for anyone really. With what ever you want to do/be. Surround yourself with the most of this you possibly can. It the best way to suceed in what you strive for. The more familiar you are with it, the easier it will be to obtain your disires in life i guess.

Sometimes we have to adjust to life, it doesn't always adjust to us.

anyways, im all out of thoughts on the subject at the moment, It's amazing how I can hear one statement, and right about it for an hour, and not even have a title until the end. Love it! Anyways Ladies & Gents, watch your selves, don't get caught up in the rush, take some time and breathe, it's a crule world out there.


(ps. I apologize for the spelling errors..I had a bad english teacher last year!)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Blurr of confusion and frustration.

yeah so, I decided not to go to youth group. Iunno, that place just isn't I dunno, I just don't know about alot of stuff lately.

Iv been questioning alot of things these days. Like, okay.. do you ever have one of those days where you just like, wish you were like superman(or woman), and wish you could just fix everything and everyones problems and create the world as you would like it to be? Alot of times I see people or go through stuff where I just wish I could fix everything to the way i'd like it to be in a perfect world. Well, I realize I can't do that..and no matter how much I hate it, some people will never change, or they did change and that's the problem. I don't have the answers to all the problems in the world, or even my own thoughts. If I did, life would be to easy I sapose.

But I just don't know. Like, everything just seems so complicated lately. It's really hard to go from who I was, to who im trying to be. I don't know if I have enough time and strength for it all. Iv been so tired lately, it feels like the life has been sucked right out of me. School takes up so much time, and then trying to do things like youth group at night n such(trying to become a better person) which im not even sure whats worth anything anymore. Some people just make it seem so easy. They have there whole lives figured out, who there gonna marry, what there gonna do when they grow up, what university and such there going to when school gets out. Like, I dunno how they even have the time of day to think about any of this stuff, I really don't.

This year is such a rush. Theres people that I use to see everyday last year and hang out with and everything, that im lucky if I ever see for more then 2 seconds running through the crowded hallways of stm between periods. And the ones I barley ever seen last year, I have become closer with and see every minute of the day lol. So some good and bad has come out of that I sapose.

But so far these past 3 weeks have just been one big blurr of confusion and frustration. Jeeze boys, I just don't know anymore. I just need some time off life I think.


Ugh my worst day so far.

Wow, so today was the worst experience of my life. I was rate sick last night with a huge headache, and could hardly sleep. So today was so like, wow.. I had the worst headache since school started, and my stomac hurt like hell. When you feel like this, being in school for like 7 hours isnt to appealing I must say.

Anyways, so today was picture day! People did some funny stuff in their pictures (mostly grade 12's), I ofcourse just had normal pictures. They both pretty well look identaical, except I look lighter in one of them. Which is the one I like best, but their both pretty sick lol. I haven't bought school pictures since grade 8, and before that I was like, 7 years old (back when parents always bought your pictures because you were younger then) lol now my mother wont buy any of them. ha..can you feel the love in my family? lol

so, youth group tonight? Yeah iunno if im gonna go. Worst migrain in 2 months + loud kids who act like there 10? Don't think so lol. But I may, after I take some pills all see how I feel in 2 hours.

Okay so yup, thats my day! wow, so amazing isn't it? lol ha not at all. Okay, im done..bye


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Army Reserves

So, the reserves... sounds kinda scary but cool at the same time. Pretty sure you get paid to do it, and you only have to go like 2wice a week for 3 hours each time. So anyways, I was walking by this like station at school that was all set-up about the reserves, with pictures and stuff. It seemed pretty interesting lol. I think me Whelton and Burnham are signing up! I don't think id ever do it for like more then a year, if even that because i'd be to scared to go to war or anything close to it lol.. My mother just told me not to, but oh well lol im doing it anyways.

**updated on the 20th**

Okay, so me n melissa x's 2 decided not to We found out more information and were not ready to devote our lives to dreading haveing to go to war in afganastan. Oh well, it was a cool thing while it lasted (for a day lol) But anyways who is willing to devote there life to that, it sounds like a cool idea so you deffinitly should do it! haha kbye


Monday, September 18, 2006

Missin My Gurls!

Man, so today I just realized that Me Kels Hannah and Alex haven't all hung out together since camp medley! Everything is hecktic this year. Half of us have boyfriends to attend to, and school work and other friends and jobs, and the four of us never get to all hang out. It's nuts caz we ALWAYS use to hang out like everyday! I feel like im missing out in so muchto do with all their lives! lol So anywho we all declaired a gurls night this weekend, so that shall be a good time! We'll get to catch up on al the juicy details in each otheres lives lol. Woot!


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Writing my life away

Hello once again. So, Im really board, and not feelin some sleep. So I have the erdge to right about something. Im not sure what I want to write about, so im just gonna go with it. If it doesnt make sence, noones forcing you to read it lol.

So as I was driving home tonight, I heard lyrics somethign like this "And when I start to feel alone, I will let you know, cause I don't ever want to be like I was before". I think thats like the situation with me, because like iv had some bad scenes and rough times..enough to know I don't ever want to be back in those situations again. It's taken me about what 2 and a half years to figure it out, but I smashed my head off the ground and it made me believe! lol. I know your probly all like, what the hell is this girl talking about, smashing her head and believeing? But it took me being smashed on my head and getting a concussion, which unabled me to drink, or anything at all for that matter, to really come to my sences. I started haveing alot more time to my self, and to just think (because I was in to much pain to even leave my bed). And I started realizing that I didn't need to drink to have fun. And I didn't need to be intoxicated to escape my life baisicly. I realized I could go a weekend without liqor, then 2 weeks, then 3, then 3 and a half months passed by. And I came to camp. Now, during these 3 and a half months, I became to notice I didn't need to drink and stuff to have fun and make me happy. But I wasn't really doing it for religous reasons. After awhile I would just be like, yup I love jesus im not drinking. But to be honest, if my concussion would have gone away, and someone handed me a drink, I probly wouldn't of refused. So, then camp rolled around. And Jesus here I came! lol

At camp you are surrounded by religion every hour of your day. You can't really escape it. And every other year before I had gone to camp..believing in god, but not really acting like it. Like id be drunk everynight the week before up until camp just to get as much as I could so id last the week. Then at camp i'd be all like, oh I love god, drinkings bad. For about, 2 weeks (if that) when I returned home from camp this would follow through. Then i'd just be like, so anyways, back to before life at camp. And go back to the same old thing. But this year, because I went into camp not drinking and stuff, and was use to not roaming the streets all hours, and actuly spent time at home, It helped make the change this year after camp so much easier.

I think all along, what I really needed to do first was realize what I didn't need (alcohol n such), before what I did need (the lord). Now, it's been 4 & a half months since iv been completely sober, but for truly honest religous reasons, Id say just about a month. And to be honest, I still have a concussion, so even if I wanted to drink I couldn't. So I really haven't been put to the real test of like, me actuly being able to drink, but not do it. Like, right now, I don't find it tempting at all. I can have it handed to me free, sittin right infront it me, smell it and everything, and I have no disire to drink it what so ever. But maby it's because I know I am not physicaly able to. The real test will be when im heald. Personaly, because I have no disire now, I don't believe I will have any then. And I believe I am stronger then that, and that Jesus is stronger then any temptation from the devil.

And now like, this year after Medley I am actuly like trying and continuing my faith. I started going to a youth group, I pray everyday and night. I have read my bible everynight since camp except last night because I felt really sick when I got home and reading would of made me puke. And im doing stuff like tonight, hanging out with christians and talking about god and faith. I am also telling people that I LOVE JESUS!! like everyone! Im not ashamed of it at all. I wasn't ashamed before, I just never really let it be known to everyone who didn't ask. Now I will tell you before you even think about asking lol.

So yes, I dunno the exact point to this in a title really, but I really enjoy writing and I could go on for hours about anything. But seeing how it is 11:55 I will find better use of my time (like sleeping) & get back to you later!


Marie helene's

Hey people. Kay so, today was pretty layed back, I just chilldd home n caught up on some homework. Kinda nice to relax, and I had a huge headache so ya know. Anywho , to the point of this blog.

So night I went to Marie-Helene's house at like 5. I was the first one to arrive so it was just me and Marie-Helene for like a half hour so we just sat around n looked at wedding pictures. There wasn't really much conversation. Anywho, so then at like 5:30ish Karen shows up. And we get the party started lol. Well the conversation anyways. Then at like 7ish Meredith, Mallory, Rachel and Liz showed up. So we all ate some food n talked which was a goodtime. Then we played some Jungle Speed game which was quite the expereince lol. After that, MH broke out the guitar and started singing. Everyone just sat n listened, noone really spoke at all while this was going on. I thought it was kinda relaxing and cool. Anyways, so when that was finsihed. We all just got into discusion about life, and life after camp, and god n such. And everyone was speaking and such and shareing about there life and everything. But iunno, I guess I just, well I never said anything really like the whole time. About me anyways. It's cool to hear everyone else's stories n such though. Iunno it was kinda akward though because like, im not use to haveing a group of people just focus their Saterday night talking about religion and everything. And im also not use to people talking about their lives, like the bad & the good. Including myself. I don't really like talking about my life to much. The only place I feel comfortable talking about my life is on a computer. I don't like to be able to make contact with someone when talking about things going on with me. I don't know why. I guess I just don't like the fact that I don't want to see a reaction from the person listening.

Iunno, I enjoyed being there and listening. I guess it's like, a chance to hear that im not the only one who screws up in life, and who makes mistakes, and that theirs other people who have been in a bad situation, but who have brought themselves to a better one. Also knowing theirs people who will admit they'v screwed up and have done wrong things but have realized it and have made better choices since then. Iunno im just not use to this whole scene. So I need some time to adjust to the situation I sapose.

Anyways, so Karen said somethign tonight that I thougth was really cool. She was explainning faith as if you were drowning in an ocean of sin, and this hellicopter was above you, letting down a roped with a life saver at the end of it. She said that, God is the hellicopter, and jesus is the life saver. God is throwing you his son Jesus to help you, but it's your choice wether to reach out and grab it or not. I thought it was really cool, because I think it is so true. Like theres always someone throwing you a life saver, but we don't always choose to grab on to it. Sometimes we wish that it was just a little bit closer, so we wouldn't have to reach out so far to grab hold of it. We want things to just be handed to us, to take the easy way out. But my friends, it is not that easy. You do have to make SOME effort to be saved.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Night

Why hello there.
First off, school today was pretty normal. Bouring as usual.We had a hurtin assembly though, so that kinda sucked. And I had huge head aches all day, once again no surprize. Jayys. Anywho..

So, Ditched yet again my third dance in a row? Yup! I do believe so! Anywho, So Katie Pierce came to my house after school and we got ready for the night. I went to the SJHS football game(even tho I don't go to that school) but it was something to do. It wasn't to fun at first, but when it started getting dark it got pretty fun. I seen alot of my old friends so that was awesome! So yeah, I enjoyed my night. Probly better then a heaty dance with a killer headache which woul d of just sucked anyways. Well heres some pictures from the night so enjoy!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

School, jayys

Goodmourning. So, it's like 11:33..finaly missed some school lol. It was about time to I almost made it 2 weeks sraight going. But I had huge migrains all yesterday and the day before, and all last night i kept wakeing up with them n not being able to sleep. So my dad let me stay home today, but then , little did I know my mother didn't have to be to work till 2, i thought it was 6am like usual. So she wakes up n shits her pants that im home lol. Caz she said im not aloud to miss any school this year. Although last night my dad said he didn't care if I missed a day here n there it's just when I start staying home 5 days in a row when they get pissed. Well aparently not caz my mother is forceing me to go this after noon lol. She's takeing me out fer lunch first which is cool I guess, but i'd rather be home sleeping lol. Now I have go to Chemistry(which I love but still) and do a history test (which I will fail) but it's all good I sapose. Anyways, I better go get ready, bye!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Youth Group

Well, I just thought id add, school is going pretty good so far this week, nothing to interesting happening, but I must say, other then its school, and I have to get up early I can't really complain. Im doing awesome in English so far, which last year I wasn't doing so hot, so im pretty proud of myself about that one lol. And I still LOVE Chemistry with my life.

Anywho, back to my topic. Tonight I went to youth group at Stone church. I wasn't sure what to expect because I have never been there before. I must say, the first while, we played liek name games n such, which I was kinda like, why on earth am I here again? But at about 8:10, it started to get better. We got into little groups n talked about some questions we were given. Now, you may not have guessed this, but ..I am kinda shy. And its werid, because im not shy towards people I don't know, but more or less with people I do no, but not well enough. So I was kind of "uncomfortable" discussing stuff about my life, even though it wasn't even like rate intence or anything. I dunno, I guess I kinda have a hard time "opening" up, or like, "letting people in" so to speak. I'v been like this for years and years, but I hope that will soon pass by. Anyways, it was cool to like hang out with people I don't normaly get to see, and meet some new people. There was alot of people there actuly I was kinda surprized. And Jon(the youth minister) was the chaplain at camp medley, and he's awesome. So it also gives me a sence of camp medley (also being like 5 other people who once upon a time worked at camp since iv been going), so it kinda makes me feel good, caz I love camp and miss it to the max, and wish I was there right now. I think it may kinda help me out, if I decide to go back, which I imagine I will, so its all good.

So, Dance this friday! ..still undecided if I am going to attend. Part of me wants to, part of me doesn't. Everyones going, but I dunno.We will see. And aparently Saterday night I may be going to Marie-Helene's house for a girls night lol so that shall be interesting.

Anyways, really offtopic, but I would just like to take a second to give a shout out to Katie Peirce! I am SOOO proud of you Katie! That's awesome that your sticking to your promise to me! (even though it's not like I will hate you if you broke it, because I understand, I'v been in the situation numerous times) But it's awesome and I hope you keep it up! And im really happy for you caz I think you will just love it lol

Okay, good night everyone!
God Bless.. (wow haven't used that one yet, lol i like it, I don't even think i'v ever even said that before lol)


Monday, September 11, 2006

Nothing exciting.

So today, wow what a day.Well not really, school was school, as usual. Classes were alright but I just hate school. Went to lunch at the market with Kels Whelton and Cailin today. That was a goodtime. We always have some good chats at lunch. Like friday, ME Cailin Kelsey Chelsea and Sean had the best lunch chat ever! lol..Then me n Kels headed up to the Patch for a bit tonight for something to do. So yeah.. I learned some pretty interesting things today about some people I know. Jayys, the things you think you know, but you really have no idea. Anyways enough of that subject. My heads starting to get better now! 4 months later, I still get headachesn such but not nearly as bad, and I can handle these days, there not like, death migrains like before. so thats good.

So theres a dance at stm this Friday. I have yet to decide if im going to attend. In a way I wanna go, but in many more I don't really want to. So I have no idea whats going on in that situation yet. And Im going to youth group for the first time Wednesday, which im pretty excited about actuly because I know alot of people going so it should be a good time. And it's somethign to do because I don't do much on school nights and im usualy board out of my mind. I don't know if anything else exciting is happening this school week, but i'll probly let you hear about it if it does, because I right in this everyday lol.

Anywho, im out of bouring stuff to go on about, so all leave now


Sunday, September 10, 2006


Hey kids. Well once again I can not seem to sleep. I don't know why I'v been haveing so much trouble sleeping lately. But anyways , as I'v been laying in bed just thinking about life n such for the past hour and a half, I got to thinking about the topic "rejection". It's a terrible feeling isn't it? To be or feel rejected by someone. Wether it is by someone you know, or have never met before. Everyday people get rejected by someone. For me I think it's one of the worst feelings in the world. Like say, if your out trying to do something good for your comunity, and someone rejects you, or if you try and make a friend, and they reject you, or even perhaps by the certain someone you may like, and they reject you also. I don't think people realize how much this really hurts someone. It could honestly stick with someone for years, mabey even the rest of their lives. Because as bad as it is, it's not always just the "goodtimes" and memeories you never forget. Alot of the time you remeber the bad times too. The words spoken by people that really hurt you once upon a time. I know thats the case with me anyways. Theres alot of stuff I still remeber that I would rather not,though I have forgiven those people who have caused me those memories, I have not forgotten.

Ever hear of the term, Forgive and Forget? Well, I hate to break it to you, but most of the time, the forgiving part is the only thing getting done. Its easier to forgive then forget, and for anyone who disagrees, i'd love to know.

Anyways, I guess i'd just like to say..The next time someone tries to make an effort to make things better in the world, or to help someone..give that person a chance. Think about how the words you say will effect that person.

(by the way: I haven't felt rejection recently, lol thats not why I wrote this, it's just something that came to my mind and I started to think alot about it)


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Feelin better.

Hello hello. So, today was interesting. lol not really. I had greco fer supper, lol that was a goodtime. I love pizza. Ha im talkin to Ashlee Doyle about my marriage to the love of my life. Were going to have a double marriage, and shes goin to make a speech. Oh boy, shes hilariouse. Were takein a road trip to freddy when Kels gets her liscence!(Kelsey doesnt know this yet, ha but shes driving!) Anyays, that brings me to a different topic, Kelseys gettin a tattoo soon, and I haven't figured out if I want to get mine or not. Jayys, what do you guys think? Lemme know. So on the other hand, I was talking to a certain someone, who I haven't talked to ina couple of days, and it reminded me why I am a christian. That certain someone makes me what to be a better person. Well, I think I found myself again. I feel better now so thats good. I think im goin to a youth group on wednesday, so that might be cool. Iv only ever gone to a youth group once, it was like 3 years ago, Wasn't that exciting though. But what ev. Anywho, im on my way out. 8:43 and im startin my night off lol, so peace out

-alyson //†//

Dont even know.

So, the first saterday that actuly ment anything to me in a couple months. I actuly got to sleep in for the first time in 5 days & loved it! Although I only actuly slept till like 10:30. So really, it wasn't much of a sleep in im use to, but it sure beats a 6:45 awakening. So it's all good. Anywho, still feelin blah today. Hopefuly i'll get myself together soon though. Well im watching Highschool Musical, love that show. Makeing me wanna shoot hoops right bad though. Well im out, peace.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Well, after my mental block earlier, I decided I just needed to get the hell out and have a bit of fun. So I headed off to Chelsea's. Katie was there too(haven't seen her in a while) so that was cool. We chated it up and then went to Wendey's to get some grub!(I love Wendeys!). So yeah, after that we met up with Mary & Mark, so we all went back to Mark's house and watched a wicked scary movie. I was like shittin it was so scary, n a true story so it makes it worse! Jayys. So anyways, Me & Katie got a talkin, and we were just talking about like, us baysicly in the past few years since like middle school. How we use to be and how we are now. I must say, I was beginning to miss the thrill of getting introuble. Is it crazy to MISS getting introuble and all the excitement that comes with it? Like, i'v never gotten grounded or anything, so theres not really a bad part for getting introuble. It's just.. fun? I use to live for getting introuble and "raising hell" as I was once told by someones angry older sister lol. Anywho, I dunno, I like my life now and everything, but the "good girl" thing just takes some getting use to I sapose. I dunno, i've been feeling kinda weird lately, hopefuly it gets better though, I just need a little boost in the religious department lol I dunno, time will tell. Anyways, im supper tired and am so stoaked(whoa way to much Laguna) to sleep in tomaro mourning! Okay well, thats good for now, I must go to sleep soon, night ya'll!


.Mental Block.

So yes, I feel really werid today. I had a good day today at school, I didnt really have any headaches, which is not very often, so thats a good thing. I have no homework, well that I feel is important enough to even bring home to concider opening the books. But I dunno, I just feel werid. Like, I have a mental block or something. I have nothing to talk about, nothing to think about and I just feel like I have no personality today. I don't know whats wrong with me, im not one to not have a personality, or have nothing to say. Hmm. The only thing I have to say is,
Thank God It's the Weekend! I have yet to appreciate the true meaning of friday, I havent enjoyed a "weekend" for any particular reason in about 3 months. I love it. My body is so tired and feels useless.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Picnic In The Park.

Well, today was the better day of the 3 so far. I was quite dissapointed to find out that the "white team" got to miss 2&3rd class, and the "red team" only got to miss half of 3rd period. So, Me and Ashlee Doyel lied to our math teacher and left class anyways lol. Good thing hes stupid eh?. Anywho, Picnic in the park was today. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when Stm has a bbq & live school bands playing in King Square. Its nuts caz theres like 1000 people there, and everyone wears Red&White. It's a pretty awesome time, you get to chill and hang out with your friends, plus lunch is an hour and a half, so thats always a bonus! Anyways, today wasn't really that interesting other then P.I.T.P so this is a short entry, but I may come up with something else to say on a different topic before the day is over. But heres some more pics from today


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Second day of year 3 at stm.

Well, once again, my day started with a 6:45am awakening. (I really need to start showering at night lol) Then at 8 it was off to school, for the second day of the 3rd year at STM.

Loud, crowed hallways, hundreds of students & teachers trying to make their way around the building. Most not even sure where their going. Theres over 400 new students, and 11 new teacher at stm this year. The grade 9's are so little, like some are 4 feet high. I feel so much older and bigger this year. Like half these kids look like they belong in elementry. It's cool being one of the older grades in the school, but anoying at the same time, because everyone looks and feels so much younger then you. Anyways, the day felt longer, because the classes were full hour classes, unlike half hour classes yesterday. I started out with a headache in Math, it got worse in English. Then I went to lunch with Karen. Which was fun, we went to the market, and had our selves a nice lil chat. We talked about life, camp, etc. I miss camp so much! The subject of camp came up in 3 different parts of my day today. It's been liek 2 weeks, and feels like 2 months (tear). So after lunch I had Chem with Hannah which was a good time. We are currently excelling in that class lol & the teacher likes us, so thats always a bonus! Then there was the grade 9 assembly. One of the beauty's of Orentation is you get to miss class for stuff like that. So sure enough, we all headed down to the auditorium for the assembly. We taught the grade 9's all the cheers n such, it wasn't to exciting, but sure beats being in Modern History lol. And we have P.I.T.P tomaro! So we get to miss 2 more classes! Anyways.. that conluded my day at school.

Now I am supper exhausted and dont know what to do with myself. I would love to go to sleep, but I did that yesterday for 3 hours, and then I couldnt get to sleep last night until past 1 o'clock am. And when you have to wake up at 6:45, it's not to fun I must say. Well, that concludes another amazingly interesting day of my life (not).


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Stm, 2006-2007

Well, I started off my day with a 6:45am awakening. It was terible, I never got to sleep until after 2am.

So anyways, I showered, did my hair, got on my new school clothes:), got my school stuff together, and headed out at 8am to Saint Maclachys High. So, when we arrived, it was packed. There are over 400 new grade 9's this year, so it's insaine. You can barley even move in the hallways, because there is almost 150 kids over the school limit. So theres like no room, its grose, really like enclosed and hot. Anywho, so I went to homeroom, prit sure my HR teach is Mr.Geary.[hottie;)]. Then my day for the next 4 er 5 months consists of, French-Geom&Appl-English-Chem-History. My teachers are alright & the people in them are cool. I have alot of classes with friends and such so thats cool. I just really hate school, like in general. Just getting up early, and having to sit in a chair for 7 hours and listen to someone speak. My favorite class I would have to say is going to be Chemistry. Hannahs in that class and we sit together, and our teacher is awesome. He's new so he's trying to make a good impression. Next semester I have 3 grade 12 crouses, Bio-Art-& Theatre Arts. I never signed up for theatre arts, I wanted grade 12 chem but I never got it, they gave me this instead. It's like acting so im told. I also heard alot of people tried to get into theatre Arts but they never did, and I got in and never even wanted it lol so thats kinda funnie. Oh well, i'll give it a try I guess, I sapose I excell in drama these days haha.

Anyways, Yeah so that was really my day at school. My head hurt like hell, and now im so exhausted i need to go to sleep at like 9 because I have another 6:45am awakening. I'll probly have something else to write about before the night is over, so check back later for more updates in the life of me-Alyson Wright. >you know you love it<
Have a good Night


Pslams 37:24

Okay so, its 11:58. And just as I thought, I can not seem to get to sleep. Im been lying in bed for the past hour and a half, and it just isn't working for me. So anyways, as I was lying in bed, I was reading some of the bible, and I read something that really spoke to me. It was Pslams 37:24 , it says

"Though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand"

Isn't that awesome. Like to know that, he allows you to make mistakes, because its only human, but the fact that, you may stumble and make mistakes along the way, but he will NEVER let you fall, as long as you trust in him. No matter how many times you screw up, he will ALWAYS be there holding your hand. Now, I have always believed this, but I've never actuly read it anywheres before. And, although you hear stuff from people, you can't always fully believe, until you see it writtin for yourself. I think it is amazing and a real sign that I found this passage. It's exactly the words of encouragement I'v been looking for as I enter the new school year. Im trying so hard, but I know it's only human that I will mess up atleast once. So it's nice to know that I can, and learn from my mistakes, and to ensure God will always be there, and will never let me hit rock bottom. Although at times it may feel like you have, and your so far down that it doesn't seem worth it to even get up, but it's never to late to say forgive me, and take his hand once again.

Okay well, that concludes my life lesson for tonight lol. Ha, I guess I will try and get some sleep again, I have to wake up at 6:45!& leave the house at 8. Ugh, discusting lol

-alyson //†//

Monday, September 04, 2006

Ew school tomorrow!

Hey people,
So, school tomaro!. Ugh stm here I come to start the third year of my high school "experience". I slept in today till like 1 oclock, just to insure my last day of summer was wisely spent. Which it was, I had a very relaxing day. I was firdt woken up at liek 11:30 by Kelsey seeing if I wanted to go to the movies today, but I was way to tried to move lol so I declined. Then went back to sleep, as said up there, until about 1. Then I got up, chatted on msn, watched "My best friends wedding" which was good, and then a Laguna Beach season 2 marathon. Oh how I love Laguna, its such an amazing show. Hot bois, more drama then I can handel.>Goodtimes<. Im pretty excited for Season 3 to start up Wednesday night! All new kids & drama, and hot bois lol. How exciting, ha. During watchin that my father and I made some sugar cookies. They were the worst tasteing things iv ever eatin! Grose lol. So then we went to Wendys(like everyday) and got some super because those cookies were just pathetic lol.

Anywho, so school tomaro mouring like i stated before. Ah, how grose. Wakeing up at 6:45 in the mourning just doesnt apeal to me that much. But ,Actuly I must admit Im kinda excited for the first week, just because, well one- I get to wear all my new clothes:), two-I miss a bunch of classes due to orentation commity, & three- its fun caz they have a bunch of fun stuff planed this week. Like picnic in the park, yeah thats a good time. And we have an assembly every week, which we all know, at stm- assembly's are the highlight of our school. Well, that and dances. I hope im able to go to ours, if my heads not actin up, shall be a good time! Okay well I must go prepare myself for tomaro, i'll check back in this tomaro sometime after school and let everyone know how it went, & how terrible hard my semesters going to be. >>Peace Out<<


Last night of summer; Im gonna miss it

Hm, well my day today, lets see.
I woke up, and went to Stapels with my parents for school suplies:) gotta love gettin that stuff lol. Then we went out Rothsay and drove around looking at rich houses we could never afford haha. Then we had a bbq with steak which was very good. After that me n Kels hit up the patch in wait for our night to commence.
9 oclock rolled around, and Chantel and Alex came to pick us up. We then headed out to the Wilsons house for a bonfire with a bunch of our friends, to kick off the end of the summer. Like everyone was there so it was cool caz alot of the people I haven't seen since the first of August. I went for a cruise with Conor who did the funniest thing, we were crusin with the music blasting (Lloyd Banks;Hands Up) and he had to pull into a church parking lot to turn around, so he turns the music off n goes "Sorrie guys i have to respect God" oh i found it to be quite amuseing lol. Any who, so then we went back to the bonfire, blasted some music, had our selves a lil party lol and it was a good time. I really missed hanging out with everyone. Which made me to thinking: im really going to miss hanging out with everyone this year. Grade 11 is tuff, and im not gonna get out much do to school work n stuff, n when I do, it will probly be on party nights, so my fun will end there. lol I dunno, its gonna be ruff, and i dunno how im gonna pull it off, but hopefuly I do. Ah i can't believe tonight was the last night of summer vacay! Tomaro nights the long dredded school night. Oh well, Summer 06 wasn't to bad. Not as eventful as my past summers, but I must say It's been my happiest, so that's all that matters I sapose. Good times Ladies & Gents

-Alyson //†//

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Simple words; Intence meaning

So tonight my dad said something to me that ment alot, simple words, with intence meaning. He came into my room and said "Your mother and I are proud of you." and I was like, uh what? And hes like, "We noticed your not running the streets as much like you use to, your not always angry at the world and we see a huge difference in you." Now many of you are probly like, oh big deal parents are sapose to say that. Parents say it all the time when you, get good grades or win something. But it's not something you hear everyday when they notice your a better person. I mean, I thought I was a better person, but to hear it from someone else whos noticed, that means I really am and it shows. Which is awesome. Anyways, its 12 so im gonna get to bed! Have a good night everyone.
-Alyson //†//

Life as a building

My life is like a building that has been burnt down to the ground, thats now in the process of being rebuilt again. My advice to people out there whos life hasn't completely burnt down yet, it's easier to rebuild half a 16 story building, then the whole thing. But, it's also better to stay as far away from the flames as possible, rather then to see how close you can get without gettin burned.


Friday, September 01, 2006

My night

Well, tonight was the most fun iv had ina long time really. After being pissed off at the world for no aparent reason, Karen called me. I was sapose to go to dinner with her n some ppl fer Katie Dunns bday , and I was all for it until this random feeling came over me n I just got really stressed out. So i decided not to go, but then she called n after not takein not for an answer, lol her n meredith came n picked me up n brought me to JJ's. I must say im glad they did caz I was feeling kinda ina low place and that certainly got me out of it. It was really fun and im glad I went. It was cool because Iv never really hung out with the ppl there before, there all pretty strong christians too so that was nice. Anyways, so after that we all said our goodbyes to Katie Dunn and Meredith, Mallory, Rachel, Andrew & I went to Island view for a lil swinging time lol. We had some good chats too so that was fun. Anyways, after the excitement of the play ground had started to die down, we then headed out to Rothsay to Andrew finny's house. We met his mom n his cute dog lol then went to the church to chill. We played b-ball and drums/organ. lol It was pretty interesting. I must just add that, the funniest thing happened, we pulled in to get some gas, and all we here is Rachel yell, CURBE!!!!!!!! lol Yes Mere almost hit a huge curbe, good times. (one of those things where you just HAD to be there)
Anyways, so I ended up haveing a really good night, with some pretty awesome people & i'd just like to thank god for answering my prayers.
-Alyson //†//

I need to get away

Well, it's here everyone, Spetember. Ew, it makes me sick just thinking about it. It's kinda nice out today tho, like plus 25 on my deck. I was out there for a bit just sitting, reading the bible and thinking about things. I got a tan which was kinda sweet lol. Anyways, so as i was sittin there on my deck, in the month of September, I got to thinking. Im not even really sure what I was thinking about. But what ever it was, it made me really want to get away from here. Not just like my house, but far from where I am right now. Saint John is just so bouring, & 16 years later, i think i just need to leave.