Thursday, November 02, 2006


Bonjour. So this morning I had my first midterm, French. I must say it was kinda hard, but I had a low goal for it, im hopein for a 70 lol. Which fer french is terrible but I figure she'll just give me a bad mark over all anyways like all the other years because she hates me, so why bother? I never studied at all last night for it, so I just wong it. I'v pretty well wong everything my whole life. From sports-to-school. Kelsey tells me I should write a book called "How I wong my way through life, and when I realized it just wasn't gonna cut it anymore". The chapter where I realize it's not gonan cut it, is this year. With the viewing of universities and having to choose one and my career comeing up, and realizing I need like in the 90's admission average, Why settle for 80's when I can get 90's If I try? So starting for my midterm tomaro (math) i'v decided im aiming for a 90 on it. Math right now is my lowest mark and I have an 75 in it, gettin a 90 on my midterm would bring it up to like an 85, because it's worth 30%. I stayed after school for an hour and a half yesterday, and for an hour today, to go over everything. I got a blank copy of every test and quiz i'v done so far this year, and did them all tonight. I know I know more because I was able to do them all in the amount of time it took me to do one the first time, and still get them all right. So hopefuly I get a very good mark because Im not setteling for anything less. Im gonn abe so hard on my self the next year and a half im probly going to hate life, but gettin into a good school will be worth it. Then I will have another 7 years of being hard on myself, then it's all over and done with and I can finaly start my life! Woot, pumped for that one.

Oh and I just figured out today I have a 77% in english, not including my 10% classroom mark(which is like atleast 9/10) and my story analysis tha I actuly did. So hopefuly that will bring er up some! But im happy caz thats the best english mark iv had like, ever. I had a 65 last year, which totaly brought my average down and I only had like a 83 er something. But what ev, im redeeming myself this year lol. Okay well thats an update on some of my mark-age I got goin.

Man, tomorrow's Friday! This week went by super fast. Which you would think it would of been the opposite concidering we had a 4 day weekend last week but aparently not lol. Oh well im not complainning! Although im goin to be spending most of my weekend studien because I have English, Chemistry, and History next week. Jaays.. thats gonna be rough.

Anyways, im doing alright, The stress is off for the math midterm because im confident I know it all, hmm...mabey all i'v needed to do all along is study, and I wouldn't be so stressed out? lol theres an idea. Okay well I got to head out for a shower and more studying so all let you know how the test went later.


Anonymous said...

wing past tense is winged. not wong. that is a chinese last name. you know, there's a spell check on this thing.

alyson.lw said...

well thanks? but wong sounds better. How i wigned my way through life just isnt that apealing. So chinese last name is it:)