Tuesday, November 14, 2006


K so my last post regarding my midterms, I got my final one back today. And yes, you wouldn't believe what I go on it! another 76! That is 4 out of 5 of my midterms I'v gotten 76% on them. How weird is that! Stupid if ya ask me, but what ev I'll take it I guess.

Oh by the way! I almost forgot.. I went guitar shopping last night. Well, scouting I should say, for a guitar I want for christmas. Well, I walked into Music Stop, and fell inlove with the first one I saw!It was a pink acoustic! Oh baby! Pink! Like, did they know I was coming or what! lol Anyways heres a picture, (you have to click on it for some reason to see it)

Anywho, life is grand. No complaints thus far.

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