Sunday, February 11, 2007


I don't exactly have a topic to write about at the present time, but im really bored and not wanting to go to sleep. So i'll see what I come up with.

Anyways, today, being Sunday and everything, I didn't do much. I slept until one (which is half the reason im up right now) and sat around, read like 40 pages out of my sociology text (for something to do) and played my guitar for several hours. Now, the only thing i'v taught myself so far on the guitar is christian songs (mostly from Camp), so that forces me to listen to and sing along with christian music. Which is good because it gives me a break from all the rap I listen to. Which lets face it, as much as I love it, its not exactly healthy, and produces negative energy. So anyways, when I got sick of guitar, I put my music on "continuous play", and went and layed on my bed in the dark while it played. I was just thinking about stuff, life, other people, stuff like that. And it really kind of made me sad. I don't know why, but im perfectly fine and dandy, until I actuly start to anylize mylife and everything/one around me. Is it because im not happy with myself? Because when I don't think about it im fine, it's when I do, and start realizing my faults and failures when I start to care. I dunno, I think im just to hard on myself. But like I stated in my previous post, you can beat yourself up until you bleed.. but im not quite sure it gets any eaiser.

Jeeez.. I miss way to many people right now.
And need a vacation way to much.

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