Sunday, January 21, 2007


Exams already? Jeez, Grade 11 is flying by. Im pumped though, I can't wait to get out of highschool. For all those people who think high school is the best times of there lives and all this crap, are so totaly wrong. High school is so stupid. I mean, its a good time and all, but the gosip, trouble, immaturity and all that gay stuff is soo stupid. I just don't see how people miss that?

Last night while I was lying in bed, I realized how fast the last few years have flown by, and how I only have a year and a half more of being a kid. I also got to thinking of how, you can never get back yesterday. Everyday that has passed by so quickly over the last 4 years I can never get back. And I realize that im sitting here wishing my life away waiting to be done highschool, get a job and start a family, only leading up to someday dieing. Life is a strange place. It's true when they say, "your living to die, and dieing to live".

Anyways, yeah so exams. Im totaly screwed. I have spent everyday at school the past week till 5:30-6:00. AND I even went in on SATERDAY afternoon for 3 hours! (probly the first person EVER to do that). I can't study at home caz I have ADD. But the only other problem is, I know how to do everything when its infront of me, but I forget it all when exams come. I have french tomorrow, totaly bullshittin through that, hopefuly an 80 would be nice. Then I have History(death) I won't even get like a 70 on that. Then Math, aiming once again for a 90, maby 92. And English is gonna rape me lol, and chemistry, 85 hopefuly.

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