Friday, January 05, 2007


Okay, so it's been brought to my attention over the past couple days, that I have a major trust issue. I also have a problem with letting people in.

Now, it really doesn't bother me any. I mean after all, clearly im the one who chooses to not trust /let anyone in. Growing up i'v just learned you can't really trust anyone. Not even your own family, people just tell you what you want to hear. Now, some people tell the truth, other elaborate on it, but if you never really know who to trust and who not to, it's better just to look at life as if you can't trust anyone. That way you can't get hurt. Unless it gets to the point where you can't even trust yourself, then you may end up gettin you. Which brings me to my text problem, letting people in. I mean like, I care about people, and believe people care about me. But it's better to not put yourself out there on the line, for anyone to hang you dry. The less people you let in, the less people you have to hurt you.

I dunno, maby im just not the "let's tell the world about my problem" type of person for a reason. It's not really a huge deal I guess. When I decide to tell the world of my problems, i'll let you know. Until then, I have no idea why I even wrote this lol.

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