Sunday, July 15, 2007

Camp Medley.

So, I just got back from 2 weeks in a row spent at Medley. Now, Atfirst i really didn't want to go, and I thought i was gonna hate it, and that I had grown out of the camp stage. Although this summer I wasn't there as a camper, i was there as an LIT which is like staff. It was VERY different from the 10 or 11 years i had gone as a camper. I had an amazeing time the first week i was there at Boys & Girls 1. The kids were soo cute, and i was in a cabin with amazing staff members. I really felt as if I had grown up alot since last year. I had kids asking me questions that i had been too stubern to answer myself the exact same ones recently. But when they asked me, I answered them to the best of my ability. Questions like : "who is god", "why doesn't god always answer your prayers", "How do we know God really exist", and "Who made God, if God made everything". I had asked myself these questions in the past so many times, and never found the answers until 2 weeks ago.
And then this past week, for Jr.Teen 1, I REALLY got a chance to see who I use to be as a camper. And how frustrated councilers must have been with me, because i was very frustrated with alot of the campers at first, just because of the huge change between age difference in the 2 weeks. I really got to know not only campers, staff and God, but myself as well. Jr.Teen really opened my eyes to who i was and who i am now. To see some of the girls in chaple really broke my heart. I prayed alot alot of them everynight, and by the end of the week, they pretty well all eventually broke down and found god. It was awesome. I also got to pray for people , which was amazeing. I finaly got the chance to repay god for everything and everyone he has put/done in my life, and i never felt so good in my entire life. It was probly the best experience ever and I am so glad I did it. Further more, I can not wait to go back and volunteer for pretty much the rest of the summer!

1 comment:

Marie-Hélène said...

Allie... Wow. you have no idea. I am so happy for you! God rocks!! Oh wow I'm so excited for you. hurray! :) Life is good with God in it eh?
Love you! See you soon.