Thursday, August 16, 2007

Forever 17;

So, i'v actuly spent my whole summer at camp. Well up until this week. It has been amazing, i met some really awesome kids who changed my view on life and about myself. Campers I have met during jr.teen have had the biggest impact on me. The younger ones are cute, but they are so innocent that im scared to answer questions because if im wrong i could alter there views about life for ever. So the older kids I enjoy because most of them have amazing life stories of courage and strength that really open my eyes. I never thought I could care about someone I just met, someone I know If I didn't want to I would never have to see them again after the week. But even after just one night spent at camp with them Its as if I was looking out for myself when I was there age. Something I didn't do, So i can try and prevent them from screwing up like I did. Sometimes it gets stressful though, like im in over my head. Some days I just can't take anymore, and im about to break. Someday I go without literaly talking to anyone, because if I do I will blow up, because im so frustrated and dont have the strength and knowledge to handle some situations. Situations I know the kids feel like knowone can ever understand them. Most situations Iv been through and I understand but there far beyond my controle. Its really frustrating to see someone you care about go through something and know there is not much else you can do for them, they have to help themselves before they can let other people help them.
I think that is one thing I have learned this summer. I dunno, im really glad I took the time this summer to volunteer my life at camp helping others. Even at times where I felt like i was no use, times I felt like there was nothing more I could do, times I felt like I wasnt ready for this.. even in those times I always wanted to go back and try. Which is something I just developed recently, because im not one to give up, but when I feel the way I do sometimes.. im surprized I don't make up some kind of excuse to get out of it.

Besides that, it was my 17th birthday on Monday! It was soo nice to see some of my friends. I haven't been able to see them this summer because iv been away. And it was really nice to just spend the time together we did catching up and laughing. I didnt realize how much I missed them until I started to laugh. I had no worries the whole night about anything, I was just so happy and smileing, it was so nice to just be relaxed and not stressed out. Iv been home all week and its been really nice just seeing everyone. Srt is next week, its the last week of camp. I dunno if I wanna go back. I mean like, I do more then anything because camp is the best place on earth to me, but im getting caught up in finaly seeing all my friends and its been so great. I feel like I missed so much when I was gone. And the summer is quickly coming to an end. I have friends going to university im never going to see and I could of this summer but never got the chance. I dunno, it kinda sucks I guess, but thats life.
Im growing up. (God help my soul)

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