Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Midterms.. don't you JUST hate that time of year?

I sure do! I have a physics exam tomorrow that I spent approx. 25 minutes studien for tonight. Nor, have I even started studien for any of my other, or started my english essay due on friday. What a night I am going to have tomorrow after guitar. Frig, school is so, ahh! I really am sick of it, I have had enough of high school. Pointless courses you'll never need? Like really, all they do is cause more stress. Physics, Accounting, English, Math & Sociology..all part of my everyday school life, day after day...after day! It never ends! Jeez, oh well, I just can not wait until June when school is over. Oh but WAIT! More exams? I think so!

Anyways, I have alot on my mind lately. Important desicions to make within the next couple weeks that could very much alter my life from the way it is today. It has also been brought to my attention that, maby I don't want to LIT at camp this sumer. Maby I feel the need that I have to, because applications have been out for weeks now, and I have yet to even care about filling one out. Aswell as TEC. I stil have yet to send in my application for that as well, so I probly won't even get in now. But oh well, I dunno. Maby im just growing up, maby im just in a bad mood? I really don't know. I mean like, im fine and dandy until I start thinking about these 2 topics (as well as a few others), and then I just get all, "ugh" about it.

1 comment:

Adam O said...

Definitely not too late for TEC. Also not too late for LIT.
Don't be discouraged. Apply!