Sunday, March 16, 2008

Does God Answer All Prayers?

Does God answer prayer? Some, but not all? Sometimes, but not all the time? Or does God always answer prayer and it's just that sometimes God says no. Could prayer be bigger than God listening and answering? Maybe we need a fresh perspective on how we approach the things in life that compel us to pray.

"Do not pray to God to feed the hungry; when you have plenty of food."

This was the strongest quote I have ever heard in my entire life. My christian fellowship class watched a Nooma video this past week that was all about forgiveness, and god answering prayers. At the start of the video you see nurses in a hospital shaking their head at a man who is hooked up to machines who appears to be unconscience. Later on you see this young girl also in the hospital, who i believe had lost someone in a car accident. It shows the accident scene, an the girl getting takin away in a stretcher, watching her loved one die. We then are shown that the man in the hospital at the beginning of the video was the man who caused the accident, who I believe may have been drinking and driving. At the end of the video, the girl struggles to walk into another hospital room, which is the man's, and she goes and sits beside him and holds his hand, so that he is not alone. Although this man killed someone she loved, and had put her in the hospital, she still forgave him, and went so that he would not be alone. This short video was so powerful It almost made me cry. It opened my eyes and really spoke to me. All through out it someone was talking about prayer and forgivness and if God always answers prayers. Another thing he said was that, God always answers us, it just sometimes his answer might be no. And also, sometimes, the answer to your prayers, for other people, may be yourself. Do not ask God for something, or to help someone, if you yourself have the power to help that person, or make a difference in their lives. Sometimes people just think if they ask God then their good people, but it is stupid to pray to God that someone will finally seak and find him, if you have the power to try and bring that person to God. It is stupid to ask god to feed someone hungry, if you have more then enough food.

This video really made me open my eyes to life and realize alot of what I, myself am missing out on. The message I am choosing not to see. The things I pray that God will heal, when I have the abilitiy to take the broken and peice it back together. I challange everyone who reads this blog, to take that extra step after prayer, and try to find it in yourself to be the answer to your own prayer. Many people are waiting to be helped, lifted up, and healed, some just need someone to love and talk to them. Could you be that person?

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