Sunday, May 27, 2007

Post TEC.

So, im pretty sure all this week all I could possibly think about was TEC. I miss it SOO much, the people, the singing, everything. I let go of so much when I was there, I had no worries or anything. No hard decisions to make. Then it hit me, the cold harsh reality of the world. The gossip, parties, heartache, betrail... all this stuff surrounds me in just one week. Wether it is towards me or not, I can still see it, all around. At TEC everyone got along, we were all happy, and we all shared a common intrest. Everyone was different, but special in their own way. Everyone could get past the differences for once, unlike this world, difference is a battle people face everyday. I hate it, i hate being involved in it.

I don't belong here, I don't fit in with the lives everyone around me leads. Im fighting so hard to survive, that I loose myself in the process. It happens everytime, and everytime I seem to fail. I dont know how much pain and suffering to stay alive I can take. I am a strong kid, and can take alot more pain then the average person, but someday I wont be able to take anymore.. and i dunno what im gonna do.

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